Summary of Sermon preached on Sunday, May 8, 2022
Introduction: Summary of Sermon preached on Sunday, May 8, 2022
This sermon talks about the true revelation of the Lord Jesus.
Some people believe it this way: There is one God in three persons. That is paganism. Do you realize that? That is the antichrist mark; that is the way it’s going to come too.
It means, if you believe that there is a God the Father, who sent a separate God the Son and there is a separate God the Holy Spirit, what you have is paganism. It means you are no different from an idol worshipper. It is the antichrist mark. That is why churches will merge and various religions will merge because they will say among themselves that there is really no difference among them.
Here is the way it is: It’s one God in three manifestations. It is not one God in three persons. That’s false doctrine. It is one God in three manifestations. There is a total difference in that.
Isaiah 9: 6 is very clear that Jesus is “The mighty God”. If He is “The mighty God”, then there can be no other God besides Him.
And Philip said, “Lord, where is the Father?” And Philip was standing right there. He said, “You’ve both seen Him and talked with Him”. Glory to God; anybody going to deny that? It is wonderful. This is what weeds out those people with split personality of the spirit, make believers.
It means if you do not know who Jesus truly is, that He is “The mighty God”, this revelation will weed you out.
This is the definition of the elect seed of God: You believe in your heart that Jesus is the eternal One and you believe that Jesus is not just a prophet or just a man or just one personality walking around under God, if you believe that Jesus was and is, like the first Chapter of Revelation, who said He was, is and the One to come, the Almighty is what it says, and you believe that Jesus is eternal, you are the elect seed of God. You believe it in your heart and in your soul and those are faithful words, saith the Lord.
Keep this in your heart; you will never go wrong. He will bless your heart; He will prosper your hands; He will touch you; He will heal you; He will fill you.
All roads lead to the Lord Jesus.
The tribulation saints that are driven in the midst of great tribulation across the earth, they begin to understand who Jesus is. The tribulation saints begin to learn what many of you have known for years; see, you are the first fruit. The people that ripen first under the power of God and the word of God. They were known as the first fruits; the bride elect of God. Therefore, He come on early for them.
The tribulation saints did not understand that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Almighty God and that is why they missed the translation. They will eventually come to this realization during the great tribulation.
That is the way revival will come. It’s the revelation of who Jesus is.
At the end of the age, like Elijah and like Enoch, the saints of God are going to feel the same positive power and the same kind of surging in their soul and the same anointing that they begin to feel when those two men were carried away. It was showing us what will happen to the elect of God at the end of the age and it is coming and it can only come by the revelation of who the Lord Jesus is to His people.
What a wonderful feeling we will have just before the translation. What a joy we will have in our soul, with translative faith, knowing we will soon be meeting our eternal God, the Lord Jesus Christ, in the air, and so shall we ever be with Him.
You will be blessed.
Summary of Sermon preached on Sunday, May 8, 2022
We listened to a sermon titled “The Revelation In Jesus”, CD # 908, preached by Brother Neal Frisby on 8/18/82 (PM).
In the sermon, Brother Frisby said:
More knowledge of who Jesus really is will create and bring apostolic restoration and revival.
We’ve had revival, but restoration is coming, that means the restoring of all things. “I am the Lord, I shall restore”.
It will bring great outpouring by this revelation and power. It is the only way real, true, revival will come.
The children of the Lord, they begin to confess and they begin to repent of their shortcomings in their prayer life and possibly in their giving, in their praising the Lord and in their thanksgiving to God. When all of this gets together in their heart and they begin to get stirred, then we are in a revival and a restoration that is coming.
He will move on the open heart and through that stirring, like the power of the Lord begins to move, then revival will begin to come. Then you begin to see more people coming, more people really, truly, coming to God for salvation, not cry a little bit, gone and forget God, but it will be in the heart where it is involving the soul, not the head. This is revival.
The real genuine move will appear from understanding these Scriptures and who Jesus really is; now that is your revival.
The tribulation saints that are driven in the midst of great tribulation across the earth, they begin to understand who Jesus is. The tribulation saints begin to learn what many of you have known for years; see, you are the first fruit. The people that ripen first under the power of God and the word of God. They were known as the first fruits; the bride elect of God. Therefore, He come on early for them.
From understanding these Scriptures who Jesus really is and then when they do, then they receive bold, translative power; bold, translative faith. It cannot come any other way.
John 1: 4: “In him was life; and the life was the light of men.”
John 1: 9 – 10: “That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.”
The very One that created them come back and looked at them. What did they do? They rejected Him. But those that received Him, with the knowledge of who He was, including the Apostles, great revival broke out in every direction.
I Timothy 2: 5 – 6: “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.” On this order, He is God/man. He is the only One that can step in there with His name.
Colossians 1: 14 – 15: “In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature”.
John 14: 7 – 9: “If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?”
And Philip said, “Lord, where is the Father?” And Philip was standing right there. He said, “You’ve both seen Him and talked with Him”. Glory to God; anybody going to deny that? It is wonderful. This is what weeds out those people with split personality of the spirit, make believers.
Keep this in your heart; you will never go wrong. He will bless your heart; He will prosper your hands; He will touch you; He will heal you; He will fill you.
I Timothy 3: 16: “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.”
Colossians 2: 9: “For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.”
Isaiah 9: 6: “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”
All roads lead to the Lord Jesus.
Some people believe it this way: There is one God in three persons. That is paganism. Do you realize that? That is the antichrist mark; that is the way it’s going to come too.
Here is the way it is: It’s one God in three manifestations. It is not one God in three persons. That’s false doctrine. It is one God in three manifestations. There is a total difference in that.
That little baby; it’s ancient, ancient, ancient, until it goes back into infinite. Isn’t this wonderful.
The elect of God, they do not believe in three gods at all, no matter how you bring it to them in the form of one God and holler three gods, they still will not believe it.
This is going to bring the revival; it won’t be the other way.
It will come by the Holy Spirit and by His power. It will come by the revelation of who Jesus is and by the revelation of the Holy Spirit and that is the way the revival will come. And when it comes, you are going to be able to see that glory. And it will come in such whirlwind of power that you are getting to feel like Elijah got to feeling before he went in that fiery chariot. We are going to get the same feelings. We feel the same power.
The elect of God are going to carry it all the way into thunder and they are going to take it right on into heaven with them. It is going to be swept right out of this world.
That is the way revival will come. It’s the revelation of who Jesus is.
One Holy Light and that one Holy Spirit; the Ancient, where no man can attempt to go in there because, the Bible said, no one can approach Him in His eternal light unless He changes you or He changes Himself to meet you through the Lord Jesus Christ.
One Holy Spirit manifesting three different ways, Father, Son, Holy Spirit and revelate in seven different ways.
We cannot have eternal life unless He is eternal.
You believe in your heart that Jesus is the eternal One and you believe that Jesus is not just a prophet or just a man or just one personality walking around under God, if you believe that Jesus was and is, like the first Chapter of Revelation, who said He was, is and the One to come, the Almighty is what it says, and you believe that Jesus is eternal, you are the elect seed of God. You believe it in your heart and in your soul and those are faithful words, saith the Lord.
Knowing the revelation of who He is, is going to bring that great revival.
Casting out devils: no revival can come until He releases that power to cast those devils out. You have to have the anointing come to deliver those people, and casting out the devil, it will automatically bring revival when you cast him out of the way.
Matthew 12: 28: “But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.”
Jesus had that. Those spirits began to bow; those spirits, by the great authority in Him began to see what was happening; they began to flee the people. The power of the Lord began to strike; revival began to come.
You can have no revival unless you have the supernatural power of the Spirit to break the power of the devil, and that power is casting out the devil. That is your revival.
There will be opposition and persecution just before the end of the age, no matter how much He is moving. He will give grace to carry it through.
Jesus came to set men free and that is what we are here for. And through the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, men will be set free.
John 8: 36: “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”
John 21: 25: “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.”
John knew He was the Ancient One and while He was yet upon this earth, He was creating and doing marvelous things in the universe.
John 3: 12 – 13: “If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.”
Probably towards the end of the age, you might almost speak that again that the books cannot contain what He is going to do among the people of God. The anointing and the presence that He has will be upon His people.
At the end of the age, like Elijah and like Enoch, the saints of God are going to feel the same positive power and the same kind of surging in their soul and the same anointing that they begin to feel when those two men were carried away. It was showing us what will happen to the elect of God at the end of the age and it is coming and it can only come by the revelation of who the Lord Jesus is to His people.
John 8: 56 – 58: “Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad. Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.”
But by the revelation of who the Lord Jesus is where the great revival is coming from.
Translative faith can come by no other way but by the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the revelation of His name will produce the gifts of power, it will produce the fruits of the Spirit, it will produce the anointing of the Spirit and there will be great signs and wonders follow that name. It is going to be exploits among His people.
I started the sermon:
Some people believe it this way: There is one God in three persons. That is paganism. Do you realize that? That is the antichrist mark; that is the way it’s going to come too.
It means, if you believe that there is a God the Father, who sent a separate God the Son and there is a separate God the Holy Spirit, what you have is paganism. It means you are no different from an idol worshipper. It is the antichrist mark. That is why churches will merge and various religions will merge because they will say among themselves that there is really no difference among them.
Here is the way it is: It’s one God in three manifestations. It is not one God in three persons. That’s false doctrine. It is one God in three manifestations. There is a total difference in that.
Isaiah 9: 6 is very clear that Jesus is “The mighty God”. If He is “The mighty God”, then there can be no other God besides Him.
It means the Lord Jesus, “The mighty God”, is manifested in three offices – He is the Father (“The everlasting Father”), He is the Son and He is the Holy Spirit (the Holy Spirit in flesh).
John 1: 10: “He was in the world, and the world was made by him”.
Colossians 1: 16 – 17: “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.”
And Philip said, “Lord, where is the Father?” And Philip was standing right there. He said, “You’ve both seen Him and talked with Him”. Glory to God; anybody going to deny that? It is wonderful. This is what weeds out those people with split personality of the spirit, make believers.
It means if you do not know who Jesus truly is, that He is “The mighty God”, this revelation will weed you out.
That little baby; it’s ancient, ancient, ancient, until it goes back into infinite. Isn’t this wonderful.
This was the Lord Jesus, the Almighty God, in human form. He is eternal; He is infinite.
I read from Scroll # 17:
BEHOLD SAITH THE ALMIGHTY – read Rev. 5: 6 – “Ye cannot number me as a man knoweth numbers in the material world, but in the spiritual world, I am infinite without number. And the 7 revelations of me are my word. In the beginning I was that word and dwelt among men (in Jesus) Behold at first my own disciples did not understand this, but Paul my Beloved servant declared it, when he said – For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visable and invisable, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities or powers: All things were created by Him and for Him. Read. Col. 1 : 13 – 17 – “I am God in the heavens! I am God in the Son! I am God in the Holy Ghost! I am one in three fold manifestation. And if any man saith unto thee this prophecy is false, then he understandeth not the things of God, among the living. And I will appoint his portion among the hypocrites, and his days shall quickly be forgotten. I am Alpha! and Omega! The first! and the last! I am the Lord there is no other God besides me. I am hidden in Jesus, revealed to my Elect, whom I foreknew from the beginning! Who I will give power to foresee me (as I am) in my Glory – (body) Even the mystery which had been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to my saints. AMEN!
I continued with the Sermon:
This is the definition of the elect seed of God: You believe in your heart that Jesus is the eternal One and you believe that Jesus is not just a prophet or just a man or just one personality walking around under God, if you believe that Jesus was and is, like the first Chapter of Revelation, who said He was, is and the One to come, the Almighty is what it says, and you believe that Jesus is eternal, you are the elect seed of God. You believe it in your heart and in your soul and those are faithful words, saith the Lord.
Keep this in your heart; you will never go wrong. He will bless your heart; He will prosper your hands; He will touch you; He will heal you; He will fill you.
All roads lead to the Lord Jesus.
The tribulation saints that are driven in the midst of great tribulation across the earth, they begin to understand who Jesus is. The tribulation saints begin to learn what many of you have known for years; see, you are the first fruit. The people that ripen first under the power of God and the word of God. They were known as the first fruits; the bride elect of God. Therefore, He come on early for them.
The tribulation saints did not understand that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Almighty God and that is why they missed the translation. They will eventually come to this realization during the great tribulation.
John 11: 25 – 26: “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believeth thou this?”
The Lord Jesus is stating that those who truly believe in Him will have translative faith and that is why He can change their bodies to the glorified form when He comes back. However, Translative faith can come by no other way but by the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It means you will not be able to preach the true gospel, you will not be able to preach the word of truth that produces translative faith, unless it is based on the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Almighty God.
One Holy Light and that one Holy Spirit; the Ancient, where no man can attempt to go in there because, the Bible said, no one can approach Him in His eternal light unless He changes you or He changes Himself to meet you through the Lord Jesus Christ.
You cannot approach the eternal fire that the Almighty God dwells in. That is why He changed Himself and came to us as the Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Timothy 6: 16: “Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.”
Jesus came to set men free and that is what we are here for. And through the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, men will be set free.
But by the revelation of who the Lord Jesus is where the great revival is coming from.
That is the way revival will come. It’s the revelation of who Jesus is.
Casting out devils: no revival can come until He releases that power to cast those devils out. You have to have the anointing come to deliver those people, and casting out the devil, it will automatically bring revival when you cast him out of the way.
You can have no revival unless you have the supernatural power of the Spirit to break the power of the devil, and that power is casting out the devil. That is your revival.
There will be opposition and persecution just before the end of the age, no matter how much He is moving. He will give grace to carry it through.
In the revelation of His name will produce the gifts of power, it will produce the fruits of the Spirit, it will produce the anointing of the Spirit and there will be great signs and wonders follow that name. It is going to be exploits among His people.
In this great revival, we will have power to cast out devils. We will have the gifts and the fruits of the Spirit operating among us.
John 21: 25: “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.”
John knew He was the Ancient One and while He was yet upon this earth, He was creating and doing marvelous things in the universe.
Probably towards the end of the age, you might almost speak that again that the books cannot contain what He is going to do among the people of God. The anointing and the presence that He has will be upon His people.
It will come by the Holy Spirit and by His power. It will come by the revelation of who Jesus is and by the revelation of the Holy Spirit and that is the way the revival will come. And when it comes, you are going to be able to see that glory. And it will come in such whirlwind of power that you are getting to feel like Elijah got to feeling before he went in that fiery chariot. We are going to get the same feelings. We feel the same power.
At the end of the age, like Elijah and like Enoch, the saints of God are going to feel the same positive power and the same kind of surging in their soul and the same anointing that they begin to feel when those two men were carried away. It was showing us what will happen to the elect of God at the end of the age and it is coming and it can only come by the revelation of who the Lord Jesus is to His people.
The elect of God are going to carry it all the way into thunder and they are going to take it right on into heaven with them. It is going to be swept right out of this world.
In this great revival, we will see the shekinah glory of God. We are going to have the same type of feeling that Elijah and Enoch had just before they were taken to heaven and it will come because we have the revelation of who the Lord Jesus is.
What a wonderful feeling we will have just before the translation. What a joy we will have in our soul, with translative faith, knowing we will soon be meeting our eternal God, the Lord Jesus Christ, in the air, and so shall we ever be with Him.
Josephus Oluwatoyin Thomas